Early Mormonism Collection 2

Nauvoo Expositor (part 2)
First and only issue: June 7, 1844
(Published by William Law)

Historical Note: This was the newspaper published by dissident Mormons which was declared a "public nuisance" by the Nauvoo City Council on June 8, 1844. By authority of the Council's order the Expositor press was destroyed that same day and the newspaper was immediately shut down. It never resumed publication.

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                Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844, page 3

or expect, the publication of the "Expositor" to prove a matter of pecuniary profit, neither do we believe the public will suffer it to prove a loss. It is a subject in which we are all interested, more particularly the citizens of this county, and surrounding country; the case has assumed a formidable and fearful aspect, it is not the destiny of a few that is involved in case of commotion, but that of thousands, wherein necessarily the innocent and helpless would be confounded with the criminal and guilty. We have anxiously desired, and strenuously advocated a peaceable redress of the injuries that have repeatedly been inflicted upon us, and we have now the means in our hands, through which we can peaceably and honorably effect our object. For ourselves, we are firmly resolved not to quit the field, till our efforts shall be crowned with success. And we now call upon all, who prize the liberty of speech, the liberty of the press, the right of conscience, and the sacred rights of American citizenship, to assist us in this undertaking. Let us stand up and boldly and fearlessly oppose ourselves to any and every encroachment, in whatever form it may appear, whether shaped in superstitious domination or civil usurpation. The public abroad have not been informed in relation to facts as they really existed in our midst, many have supposed that all was rumor, and having no organ through which to speak, our silence has been to them sufficient proof.
    The facts have been far otherwise, we have watched with painful emotion the progress of events in this city, for some time past, until we were sick with the sight; injury upon injury has been repeated, insult has been added to insult till forbearance has ceased to be virtuous, and we now have the proud privilege, we have long wished for, of defending ourselves against their foul aggressions and aspersions and of informing the public of things as they really are. We intend to tell the whole tale and by all honorable means to bring to light and justice, those who have long fed and fattened upon the purse, the property, and the character of injured innocence; -- yes, we will speak, and that too in thunder tones, to the ears of those who have thus ravaged and laid waste fond hopes, bright prospects, and virtuous principles, to gratify an unhallowed ambition. We are aware of the critical position we occupy, in view of our immediate location; but we entertain no fears, our purpose is fixed and our arm is nerved for the conflict, we stand upon our rights, and we will maintain those rights, whatever may be the consequence; let no man or set of men assail us at the peril of their lives, and we hereby give notice to all parties, that we are the last in attack, but the first and foremost in defence. We would be among the last to provoke the spirit of the public abroad unnecessarily, but we have abundant assurance in case of emergency, that we shall all be there.

    An individual, bearing the cognomen of Jeremiah Smith, who has evaded the officers for some time, has taken refuge in the city of Nauvoo. It appears he is a fugitive from justice for the offence of procuring four thousand dollars from the United States Treasury at the city of Washington, under false pretences. A bill of indictment was found in the District of Columbia against him, and a warrant issued for his arrest. The Marshal of Iowa Territory got intelligence of his being in this place, and procuring the necessary papers for his arrest, proceeded to this place in search of him, about three weeks ago. After making inquiry, and becoming satisfied that he was secreted in Nauvoo, under the immediate protection of the Prophet, he said to him (the Prophet,) that he was authorised to arrest the said J. Smith, for an offence committed by him against the United States government, and wished to know where he was -- to which the Prophet replied, that he know nothing about him. The Marshal said he know he was secreted in the city, and was determined to have him; and, unless he was given up, he would have the aid of the Dragoons to find and arrest him. Joseph Smith then replied, that was not necessary; but, if the Marshal would pledge his word and honor that he should have the benefit of a city writ of Habeas Corpus, and be tried before him, he would produce the fugitive in half an hour. After some hesitancy, the Marshal agreed to do so, when the prisoner was produced in the time specified. A writ of Habeas Corpus was issued, and the prisoner taken from the Marshal and brought before the Municipal court of Nauvoo for trial. The court adjourned until Thursday, the 30th ult., when he was tried, and discharged, as a matter of course. In the interval, however, application had been made to Judge Pope, of the District court of the United States for the State of Illinois, who issued his warrant, directed to the United States

Marshal, who sent his deputy to make a second arrest, in case the other officer did not succeed in taking him from the city. Smith was found by the Illinois Marshal and arrested, when it became necessary for the high corporate powers of the city again to interpose their authority. The potent writ was again issued--the prisoner taken from the Marshal--a trial had, during which, the attorneys for Smith relieved themselves of an insupportable burthen of legal knowledge, which completely overwhelmed the learned court, and resulted in the triumphant acquittal of the prisoner, with a judgment for costs against the U. States.
    Now we ask if the executive and judicial authorities of Illinois deem it politic to submit to such a state of things in similar cases? Can, and will the constituted authorities of the federal government be quiescent under such circumstances, and allow the paramount laws of the Union to be set at defiance, and rendered nugatory by the action of a court, having no more than co-ordinate powers, with a common justice of the peace? If such an order of things is allowed to exist, there is every reason to believe that Nauvoo will become a sink of refuge for every offender who can carry in spoils enough to buy protection. The people of the State of Illinois will, consequently, see the necessity of repealing the charter of Nauvoo, when such abuses are practised under it; and by virtue of said chartered authority, the right of Habeas Corpus in all cases arising under the city ordinance, to give full scope to the desired jurisdiction. The city council have passed ordinances, giving the Municipal court authority to issue the writ of Habeas Corpus in all cases when the prisoner is held in custody in Nauvoo, no matter whether the offender is committed in the State of Maine, or on the continent of Europe, the prisoner being in the city under arrest. It is gravely contended by the legal luminaries of Nauvoo, that the ordinances gives them jurisdiction, not only jurisdiction to try the validity of the writ, but to enquire into the merits of the case, and allow the prisoner to swear himself clear of the charges. If his own oath is not considered sufficient to satisfy the adverse party, plenty of witnesses are ready to swear that he is to be believed on oath, and that is to be considered sufficient by the court to put the quietus on all foreign testimony and the discharge of the prisoner follows, as a necessary consequence.


    We find in the Nauvoo Neighbor of May 29th, a lengthy letter from Joseph Smith a candidate for the Presidency on his own hook, to Henry Clay, the Whig candidate for the same office. It appears to be a new rule of tactics for two rival candidates to enter into a discussion of their respective claims to that high office, just preceding an election. Smith charges Clay with shrinking from the responsibility of promising to grant whatever the Mormons might ask, if elected to the Presidency. Smith has not been troubled with any inquiries of committees as to what measures he will recommend if elected; nevertheless he has come out boldly and volunteered his views of certain measures which he is in favor of having adopted. One is for the General Government to purchase the slaves of the south and set them free, that we can understand. Another is to pass a general uniform land law, that certainly requires the spirit of interpretation to show its meaning as no explanation accompanies it. Another which no doubt will be very congenial to the candidate's nervous system, is to open all the prison doors in the country, and set the captive free. These with some other suggestions equally as enlightened, ought to be sufficient to satisfy any man that Joseph Smith is willing that his principles shall be publicly known. If however any individual voter, who has a perfect right to know a candidates principles, should not be satisfied, he may further aid his inquiries, by a reference to the record of the grand inquest of Hancock County.
    Martin Van Buren is charged with non-commitalism; Henry Clay has not been the man to answer frankly

the question whether he would restore to the Mormons their lands in Missouri. Joseph Smith is the only candidate now before the people whose principles are fully known; let it be remembered there are documents the highest degree of evidence before the people; a committee of twenty-four, under the solemnity of their oaths, have inquired into and reported upon his claims in due form of law. Shades of Washington and Jefferson--Henry Clay the candidate of a powerful party, is now under bonds to keep the peace; Joseph Smith, the candidate of another "powerful" party has two indictments against him, one for fornication and adultery, another for perjury. Our readers can make their own comments.

    We have received the last number of the "Warsaw Signal;" it is rich with anti-Mormon matter, both editorial and communicated. Among other things it contains a lengthy letter from J.H. Jackson, giving some items in relation to his connection with the "Mormon Prophet," as also his reasons for the same. It will be perceived that many of the most dark and damnable crimes that ever darkened human character, which have hitherto been to the public, a matter of rumor and suspicion, are now reduced to indisputable facts. We have reason to believe, from our acquaintance with Mr. Jackson, and our own observation, that the statements he makes are true; and in view of these facts, we ask, in the name of heaven, where is the safety of our lives and liberties, when placed at the disposal of such heaven daring, hell deserving, God forsaken villains. Our blood boils while we refer to these blood thirsty and murderous propensities of men, or rather demons in human shape, who, not satisfied with practising their dupes upon a credulous and superstitious people, must wreak their vengeance upon any who may dare to come in contact with them. We deplore the desperate state of things to which we are necessarily brought, but, we say to our friends, "keep cool," and the whole tale will be told. We fully believe in bringing these iniquities and enormities to light, and let the majesty of violated law, and the voice of injured innocence and contemned public opinion, speak in tones of thunder to these miscreants; but in behalf of hundreds and thousands of unoffending citizens, whose only fault is religious enthusiasm, and for the honor of our own names and reputation, let us not follow their desperado measures, and thereby dishonor ourselves in revenging our own wrongs. Let our motto be, "Last in attack, but first in defence;" and the result cannot prove otherwise than honorable and satisfactory.


    In consequence of a press of other duties in preparing our first number for the press, we have not had time to examine several communications that have been forwarded for publication. We respect the motives of our friends in the interest they manifest in carrying forward the work of reform; but we wish it to be distinctly understood, that we cannot depart from the conditions set forth in the Prospectus; that is the chart by which we intend to navigate the "Expositor," carefully avoiding any thing and every thing that may tend to diminish the interest, or tarnish the character of its columns. We already feel that we occupy an unenviable position in view of the variety of opinions that exist, but, we stand committed as to our course, and having faithfully and fearlessly adhered to those terms, without partiality to friends, or personality to foes, we shall consider ourselves honorably discharged of duty.

    We offer an apology to our readers for the want of arrangement and taste in our first number on account of our materials and press not being in order; the short time we have had to get a press and materials has precluded the possibility of getting the first number out according to our wishes, and the absence of the Editor for several days preceding our first issue, renders this apology necessary. In our subsequent numbers we intend to make good the insufficiency by giving to our readers a good selection of miscellany, and an editorial of rich and interesting matter.


The May Term of the Circuit Court of this county closed on the 30th ult. after a session of ten days. We understand a large number of cases were disposed of, none, however of a very important character. The cases wherein Joseph Smith was a party, were transferred by a change of venue, to other courts; that of A. Sympson vs. J. Smith, for false imprisonment, to Adams County; that of F.M. Higbee vs. Joseph Smith, for slander and that of C.B. Foster vs. Joseph Smith, and J.W. Coolidge for false imprisonment, and that of A. Davis vs. Joseph Smith, and J.P. Green, for trespass, were all transferred to the County of McDonough. The Grand Jury found two bills against Smith, one for perjury, and another for fornication and adultery; on the first of which Smith delivered himself up for trial, but the State not being ready, material witnesses being absent, the case was deferred t the October term.

    The regular session of the Municipal Court of this City came off on Monday last. The cases of R.D. Foster, C.L. Higbee, and C.A. Foster, on appeals from the Mayor's Court, wherein they had each been fined in the sum of one hundred dollars, (for the very enormous offence of refusing to assist the notorious O.P. Rockwell, and his "dignity' John P. Green, in arresting a respectable and peaceable citizen, without the regular process of papers) and of A. Spencer, wherein he was fined in the same sum on a charge of assault and battery, were all taken up and gravely discussed; after the most mature deliberation, with the assistance of the ex-tinguished City Attorney, this honorable body concluded to dismiss the suit and issue a procedendo to the lower court, which was accordingly done.
    The cases referred to above, afford abundant reason both for complaint and comment. We intend as soon as our time will allow, to express our views fully and freely upon this feature of Mormon usurpation; first, enact a string of ordinances contrary to reason and common sense, and then inflict the severest penalties for not observing them.

    We see that our friend the Neighbor, advocates the claims of Gen. Joseph Smith for the Presidency; we also see from the records of the grand Jury of Hancock Co. at their recent term, that the general is a candidate to represent the branch of the state government at Alton. We would respectfully suggest to the Neighbor, whether the two offices are not incompatible with each other.

                NAUVOO, June 5th, 1844.
    It is well known to all of you that the August election is fast approaching, and with it comes the great and terrible conflict. It is destined to be a day pregnant with big events; for it will be the index to the future.--Should we be defeated upon that occasion, our die is cast, and our fate is sealed; but if successful, alike may Joseph Smith, Hyrum Smith, and their devoted followers, as well as their enemies, expect that justice will be meted out. The present is portentous of the great effort that is to be made upon that occasion, by Joseph for power; Hiram Smith is already in the field as a candidate for the legislature, but will you support him, that same Hyrum Smith the devoted follower and brother of Joe, who feigned a revelation from God, directing the citizens of Hancock County to vote for J.P. Hoge, in preference to Cyrus Walker, and by so doing blaspheming the name of God? Will you, gentlemen of Hancock County, support a man like that, who claims to move in a different sphere, a sphere entirely above you; one who will trifle with the things of God, and feign converse with the Divinity, for the sake of carrying an election? I will unhesitatingly assume to myself the responsibility of answering in the negative. I flatter myself you are not so depraved, and so blinded to your own interests, as to support a man totally ignorant of the laws of your country, and in every respect alienated from you and your interests.
    In supporting Hyrum Smith, you, Citizens of Hancock County, are supporting Joseph Smith, for whom he (Hyrum) goes teeth and toe nails, for President of the United States. The question may arise here, in voting for Joseph Smith, for whom am I voting? You are voting for a man who contends all governments are

to be put down and the one established upon its ruins. You are voting for an enemy to your government, hear Phelps to Joe in his affidavit before Judge King of Missouri:--"Have you come to the point to resist all law?" "I have," says Joe. You are voting for a sycophant, whose attempt for power find no parallel in history. You are voting for a man who refuses to suffer criminals to be brought to justice, but in the stead thereof, rescues them from the just demands of the law, by Habeas Corpus. You are voting for a man who stands indicted, and who is now held to bail, for the crimes of adultery and perjury; two of the graves crimes known to our laws. Query not then for whom you are voting, it is for one of the blackest and basest scoundrels that has appeared upon the stage of human existence since the days of Nero, and Caligula.
    In supporting Hyrum Smith, then are you not supporting Joseph Smith most assuredly; pause then my countrymen, and consider coolly, calmly and deliberately, what you do? Support not that man who is spreading death, devastation and ruin throughout your happy country like a tornado. Infinite are the gradations which mark this man's attempts for power, which if not checked soon, must not only shed a deleterious influence on the face of this county, but on the face of the adjoining counties. He is already proudly boasting that he is beyond your reach; and I regret to think I am under the painful necessity of admitting the fact. Is it not a shame and a disgrace, to think we have a man in our midst, who will defy the laws of our country; the laws which shed so gentle and nourishing an influence upon our fathers, which fostered and protected them in their old age from insult and aggression; shall we their sons, lie still and suffer Joseph Smith to light up the lamp of tyranny and oppression in our midst? God forbid, lest the departed spirits of our fathers, cry from the ground against us. Let us arise in the majesty of our strength and sweep the influence of tyrants and miscreants from the face of the land, as with the breath of heaven. The eagle that is now proudly borne to earth's remotest regions by every gale, will perch himself in the solitude of mid-night if we do not arouse from our lethargy.
    It is the worst of absurdities for any individual to say their is a man in our midst who is above the reach of violated law, and not lend a helping hand; all talk and nothing more will not accomplish that for your country and your God, which the acts of Washington did. Then gentlemen organize yourselves and prepare for the dreadful conflict in August; we go with you heart and hand, in the attempt to suppress this contaminating influence which is prostrating our fairest prospects, and spreading desolation throughout our vale. Call into the field your best men under the solemn pledge to go for the unconditional repeal of the Nauvoo Charter, and you have our support; whether they be Whig or Democrat we care not; when a friend presents us with a draught of cool water, we do not stop to inquire whether it is contained in a silver vase, a golden urn or a long handled gourd. We want no base seducer, liar and perjured representative, to represent us in Springfield, but while Murrill represents Tennessee in Nashville, Munroe Edwards, New York, in Sing Sing, Br. Joseph may have the extreme goodness to represent Illinois in Alton, if his lawyers do not succeed in quashing the indictments found against him by the Grand Jurors of Hancock County, at the May term 1844.
                    FRANCIS M. HIGBEE.
At the earnest request of a number of friends, I am induced to offer myself as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, at the ensuing August election. Should I be elected I pledge myself to perform the duties incident to the office with independence and fidelity.
                    JOHN M. FINCH.
Nauvoo, June 7th, 1844.                

MR. EDITOR, As I have taken some little interest in the affairs of the "Nauvoo Theatre;" I wish to announce through the medium of your paper, that the establishment, which left this place a few weeks since to travel , has again arrived in this city. What success, the concern met with while absent I am unable to learn; the only think of interest which I have been able to discover, is, that the Rev. G. J. Adams was hissed from the stage in Burlington, while telling the "woodchuck story." I understand that the establishment has closed for the present, in consequence of Mr. Adams being under the necessity of 'going a preaching;' probably the Rev. Gentleman thinks by this time that he is better fitted for the desk than the stage.
        I am Sir,

PENMANSHIP. -- We invite the attention of our readers to the advertisement of Mr. A. R. Dunton, found in another column of to day's paper. We have examined several specimens of this Gentleman's handiwork, in the execution of his various style of penmanship, and we cheerfully award to him the merit of excelling any thing of the kind in this department. Mr. Dunton brings with him testimonials of the highest character, from the most respectable sources; having borne off the palm of victory in several of our eastern cities;--but, aside from our own opinion, or the opinion of others, Mr. Dunton presents the best evidence, in his off hand efforts, which he executes with a neatness and dispatch that dispels all doubt, and wins for him the wreath of merited fame. -- ED.

MARRIED: -- At Carthage, on the 23d ult., by E. A. BEDELL, ESQ. MR. CHARLES ROSS of St. Louis, to MISS SABRA A. MORRISON, of this city.
    We tender our congratulations to the above parties upon their union of heart and hand, and express our warmest wishes for their future happiness.
One Cent Reward.
WHEREAS my husband, the Rt. Rev. W. H. Harrison Sagers, Esq., has left my bed and board without cause or provocation, this is to notify the public not to harbor or trust him on my account, as I will pay no debts of his contracting. More anon.
LUCINDA SAGERS. June 7, 1844. -- 1tf.
Administrator's Sale.
ON the 20th of June, A.D. 1844, will be offered at public sale at the New Brick Store of S. M. Marr, on Knight Street, east of the Temple in the City of Nauvoo, the following described property, to wit: Household and kitchen furniture, consisting of beds and bedding, wearing apparel, cotton cloth, &c.
Nauvoo, June 7th, 1844. -- 1tf.
The Subscribers wish to inform all those who through sickness; or other misfortunes, are much limited in their means of procuring bread for their families, that we have allotted Thursday of every week, to grind TOLL FREE for them, till grain becomes plentiful after harvest.
    P.S. Elder Cowles, or Bishop Ivins, will attend at our mill on those days set apart, and will judge very benevolently, in all cases where the above indulgence is claimed.
W. & W. LAW.
Nauvoo, June 7th, 1844. -- tf
Those wishing to improve the present very favorable opportunity for taking Lessons in Penmanship, and Stylographic Card Marking, are informed that the above branches will be taught by Mr. A. R. DUNTON in a manner that cannot fail to prove satisfactory to all. The system he teaches has no superior, either in acquisition, facility of execution, or elegance and uniformity of the letters Mr. D. would beg leave to refer the Ladies and Gentlemen of this City and its vicinity, to the fact that he has borne off the FIRST PREMIUM for the best Specimens of Penmanship from all competitors, at the late Mechanics' Fair held in Boston.
    MR. DUNTON proposes to award the following premiums, viz:
    The person who shall make the best improvement in writing, shall be entitled to a specimen of penmanship worth from five to ten dollars. And if any person will produce a specimen superior to what Mr. D. will execute, the person producing it shall be entitled to fifty dollars.
    For the best improvement in Stylographic Card Marking, the person shall be entitled to their tuition.
    N.B. The above Premiums are to be awarded by a committee mutually chosen.
    Those who have been disappointed by attending the Schools of incompetent teachers, are warranted perfect satisfaction at Mr. D's. School, or their money will be refunded.
    Writing Masters fitted for the profession. Teachers, Professional, and Business men, and all good or bad writers, who wish to become complete masters of the art, are particularly invited to attend.
    Writing rooms at the new Masonic Hall Main st. Terms of tuition only $1.50 for 12 lessons. Classes will be formed on Monday evening next at 7 P.M.
June 7th, 1844.

Attorney and Counsellor at Law, and Solicitor in Chancery.
Deeds, bonds and all legal instruments drawn to order. Lands for sale or exchange. Office over S. M. Marr's brick Store, Knight St. east of the Temple.
The Subscriber has several brick and frame houses, situated in different parts of the city, which he offers for sale, or rent on good terms.
                R.D. FOSTER.
NAUVOO, June 7th, 1844. tf

                Nauvoo Expositor, June 7, 1844, page 4

S O N G.

The lads -- I wonder how they guessed it,
I'm sure I never tell.
And if I love, I ne'er confess it --
How can they guess so well?
I'm sure 'twas no I told my laddie --
I would not love -- not I;
He says 'twas yes, the saucy laddie!,
He saw yes in my eye.

My mother says 'tis naughty -- very!
For I am scarce fifteen;
I vowed, to please the dame so chary,
My love should ne'er be seen.
And still 'twas no I told my laddie,
And still -- I wonder why?
He kissed me -- ah, the saucy laddie!
He saw love in my eye.

The love, I bade him tarry,
Asleep, within my breast,
But when he heard my gentle, Harry,
The rebel would not rest.
And while I thought the boy was sleeping,
Alack, he is so sly!
I found the rogue at Harry peeping,
Ay, peeping through my eye.

[From the Philadelphia Times.]


The Riots in Kensington -- The Irish and the Native Americans.

    The late riots in Kensington between the Native Americans and the Irish Roman Catholics -- for the feud is now a religious one entirely, conceal the fact as we may -- have filled our city with excitement, and every thoughtful mind with deep reflection. What are we coming to? Are the people forgetting at once the elements of Republicanism, viz: tolerance of opinion, freedom of thought and action, and obedience to the laws, or can any man enraged in these disgraceful broils believe that he is aiding by such conduct, however provoked, in carrying out the principles of civil and religious liberty?

    As a Protestant, and a Native born citizen, we protest against this unnatural admixture of religion and politics. In the whole history of the human race, we find the bloodiest pages those in which are recorded the contest of the Church; are we willing to introduce this firebrand of destruction and desolation into the midst of our peaceful and happy country? Have we a mind to rival Europe in our chronicles of inhuman massacre and slaughter, or shall we bathe our hearth-stones in blood, and make our homes charnel-houses, be cause of differences of opinion, the entertainment of which is guaranteed to every American citizen, whether Native-born or Naturalized by our glorious Constitution?

    We are opposed to the political sentiments of the Native Americans, but we respect their sincerity, and would be the last to stand silently by and see them insulted; to see their peaceable assemblies broken up by an infuriated multitude, and see them or any other set of men, whether right or wrong in their views, way-laid and assaulted for promulgating their political notions. We are too much of a Republican, and have too much genuine American feeling for this; but, we are equally opposed to the introduction of religious abuse into political orations; we entertain a very contemptuous opinion of the wisdom, the law and order-loving disposition, and the real Christianity of those demagogues who do it to accomplish, by the fearful public orgasm which must follow, their own selfish ends.

    We give up to no man in our respect for the Bible, and our zeal for its dissemination. We give up to no man in our love for our beloved country, its unparalleled institutions, its mighty and intelligent people, and above all its freedom from that curse of Europe, an union of Church and State. But, in tenaciously reserving for ourselves and our children the right to peruse the Bible, we should be among the first to denounce any attempt at such dominance contemplated by the members of our own.
    These are the dictates of patriotism; nay more, they are the dictates of Christianity. Without pretending to take any side in this unfortunate controversy -- without pretending that the Roman Catholics are right or wrong, or that the Native Americans are right or wrong, for we conceive both to have committed a grievous error in appealing under any circumstances to physical force or to arms, -- let us ask, is such conduct characteristic of either freemen or Christians? Is it the part of a true republican to thrust his opinions upon others, and to picture all those who differ from him as fit subjects for immolation; or did the great prototype of the Christian church when on the earth set his followers such a belligerent example? Was not the language of the later always "peace! peace?" Was not his course exemplary pacific? Did he turn even on his revilers and persecutors? Did he

not take every occasion to teach his disciples forbearance, and radically subdue in them the slightest impulse towards retaliation?
    If so, we are bound to follow the example as [told] as the advice of the head of the universal Christian church! And in doing so, we at once carry out the principles of good government, for republicanism and christianity are identical, and the very spirit of the one, is incorporated into and animates the other. Let us have peace then. Cease these wicked contentions. And in order that they may cease, stop at once this mingling together of religion and politics. Away with it. It is an unhallowed, an iniquitous, and incestuous union. The issue must be a monster, misshapen and deplorable, inimical to liberty, repulsive to tranquil government, and ever associated with [b----- ----sh], discord, murder, and [--------].

The Papacy and the
Great Powers.

The Tablet, a Catholic newspaper, takes a gloomy view of the present state of the Papal dominions, and the dangers which threaten them from several quarter[s]. Amongst the most dangerous of these enemies is said to be Russia, whose Emperor is denounced as "the great Anti-christ of the north," and from whose rule, when once it includes Italy, is predicted "a hideous persecution and calamity, such as the Church has never yet hardly witnessed." The other enemies of the Papal see, besides its own insurgent subjects, are said to be England and France, and the following is a summary account of its alleged position at the present moment: -- "Besides, then, the local and social convulsions of Italy, we have hanging over the Holy See -- first, the armed Protectorate of Austria; secondly, the efforts of Russia to gain, at least, so much influence in Rome as shall prevent the publication of unpleasant documents; thirdly, the endeavors of England to cajole the Pope into putting the screw (spiritual) upon his too ardent subjects in Ireland; and fourthly, the endeavors of France to secure the same advantage against the Catholic subjects of that kingdom. The Pope, unable to uphold his temporal domination without Austrian bayonets, and the three most powerful cabinets of Europe applying all their craft and force to compel his Holiness to abuse his spiritual power to the common injury of Christendom! Luckily, the hand of God has carried the Church through as great dangers as the present, and has promised to carry her through all dangers; otherwise we would say that this was no very pleasant prospect."


    We last week gave some account of the dissensions and divisions which have sprung up in the holy city of Nauvoo -- growing out of the arbitrary conduct of "the Prophet." -- Since then, the breach has become still wider between the head of the church and his followers. The citizens have procured a press, and will soon commence a paper, for the purpose of exposing Smith on his own ground and among his own people. Last week, individuals of the Mormon faith, (Messrs. Blakesley and Higbee,) representing the dissenters, addressed a large number of our citizens, in reference to the "flare up," at Nauvoo. We were not present, but have it from others who were, that the dissenters, made out that Joe Smith was pretty much a rough customer, especially in relation to the "spiritual wife" doctrine. Their whole aim was principally against the church -- of which they still claimed to be members. They painted Smith, as any thing but the saint he claims to be -- and as a man, to the last degree, corrupt in his morals and religion. On Wednesday night, Mr. John P. Green, a Mormon elder, addressed a crowded house in defence of "the Prophet." The principal portion of the worthy elder's speech, while we were in the house, was taken up, in an apology for addressing the meeting, and when he did come to the substance of his address, he could only disprove the statements made by the dissenters, from his own knowledge -- he said he had been a Mormon for the last twelve years -- and had always been intimate with Smith, and that such doctrines as were ascribed to Smith by his enemies, had never been taught to him. He further said that Smith was like a diamond, the more he was rubbed, the brighter he appeared -- and he strongly insinuated, that the characters of the individuals, who had assailed Smith on the second evening previous, were none the best, &c.
    We think these Mormon missionaries are laboring under a mistake in one particular. It is not so much the particular doctrines, which Smith upholds and practices, however abominable they may be in themselves, that our citizens care about -- as it is the anti-republican nature of the organization, over which he has almost supreme control -- and which is

trained and disciplined to act in accordance with his selfish will. The spectacle presented in Smith's case of a civil, ecclesiastical and military leader, united in one and the same person, with power over life and liberty, can never find favor in the minds of sound and thinking Republicans. The day has gone by when the precepts of Divine Truth, could be propagated at the point of the sword -- or the Bible made the medium of corrupt men to gratify their lustful appetites and sordid desires --
[Quincy Whig.

We have received from Nauvoo a Prospectus for a new paper, to be entitled the "Nauvoo Expositor." It is intended to be the organ of the Reformed Mormon Church, which has lately been organized in that place, and to oppose the power of 'the self-constituted Monarch,' who has assumed the government of the Holy City. We care no more about the New Church than the Old one, as a church; for we regard both with indifference. But if it can be a means of humbling the haughty miscreant who rules in that city, and exposing his rank villainies, then we shall wish both Church and Paper a hearty Good speed! The gentlemen who have the paper in charge, have the reputation of being men of character and talent; and have commenced the work in which they are engaged, in real earnest. We hope the public will encourage their effort --
Upper Mississippian.

    The Jews in Russia. -- A letter from St. Petersburgh, dated March 21, says, that to check the emigration of the Jews over the frontiers, the following, sanctioned by the Emperor, had been made law; -- "Jews who without legal licenses, or with legal licenses which have expired, go over the frontier, when they have before been recognized as actual Russian subjects, and as such been brought back into the empire, shall be given up to the local government authorities, who shall deal with them according to the laws relating to deserters and vagrants, even when the former places of residence and the parishes to which they belong are known. According to these laws, they shall be employed in the military service; in case they are unfit for it, be placed in what are called the penal companies, without the right of being given up to their parishes, if the latter shall desire it. If they are not fit for hard labor in the public works, they shall be sent with their wives to settle in Siberia."

Anecdote of the Mayor of Tiverton.
-- During the time when Wesley and Whitfield were gaining so many converts in many parts of England, the former came one day to preach at Tiverton. This created considerable excitement in town, and the Mayor, fearing some riot might ensue, issued his proclamation, commanding Wesley to desist, as it was dangerous to the peace and good order. On being remonstrated with, he made the following laconic reply: "I don't see what occasion there can be for any new religion in Tiverton! Why do we want another way of going to heaven when there is so many already? Why, sir, there's the old church and the new church; that's one religion: there's Parson Kiddell's at the Pitt meeting; that's two: Parson Wescott;s, in Peter street that's three: and old Parson Tarry's in Newport street; that's four. Four ways of going to heaven! If they won't go to heaven by one or the other of these ways, by ---- they shan't go to heaven at all from Tiverton, while I'm Mayor of the town.

The American Press, and the Rev. Sydney Smith. -- The following letter from the pen of the Rev. Sydney Smith, has made its appearance in the Morning Chronicle: --
To the Editor of the Chronicle: --
    Sir -- The loco-foco papers in America are, I observe, full of abuse of Mr. Everett, their minister for spending a month with me at Christmas, in Somersetshire. That month was neither lunar nor calendar, but consisted of forty-eight hours -- a few minutes more or less.
    "I never heard of a wiser or more judicious defence than he made to me and others, of the American insolvency -- not denying the injustice of it, speaking of it on the contrary, with the deepest feeling, but urging with great argumentative eloquence every topic that could be pleaded in extenuation. He made upon us the same impression he appears to make universally in this country; we thought him (a character which the English always receive with affectionate regard,) an amiable American republican, without ostentation. 'If I had known that gentleman five years ago, (said one of my guests,) I should have been deep in the American funds; and as it is, I think at times that I see nineteen shillings in the pound of his face.'
    "However this may be, I am sure we owe to the Americans a debt of gratitude for sending to us such an excellent specimen of their productions. In diplomacy, a far more important object than falsehood, is, to keep two nations in friendship. In this point, no nation has ever been better served than America has been served by Mr. Edward Everett.
"I am, sir, your ob't ser't,
               SYDNEY SMITH.

From "Gen. Smiths Views."

    "The people may have faults but they never should be trifled with. I think Mr. Pitt's quotation in the British Parliament of Mr. PriorŐs couplet for the husband and wife, to apply to the course which the king and ministry of England should pursue to the then colonies, of the now United States, might be a genuine rule of action for some of the breath made men in high places, to use towards the posterity of that noble daring people:
    "Be to her faults a little blind;
    Be to her virtues very kind."
    "We have had democratic presidents; whig presidents; a pseudo democratic whig president; and now it is time to have a president of the United States; and let the people of the whole union, like the inflexible Romans, whenever they find a promise made by a candidate, that is not practiced as an officer, hurl the miserable sycophant from his exaltation, as God did Nebuchadnezzar, to crop the grass of the field, with a beastŐs heart among the cattle.
    "Mr. Van Buren said in his inaugural address, that he went 'into the presidential chair the inflexible and uncompromising opponent of Congress, to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia, against the wishes of the slave holding states; and also with a determination equally decided to resist the slightest interference with it in the states where it exists.' Poor little Matty made his rhapsodical sweep with the fact before his eyes, that the state of New-York, his native state, had abolished slavery, without a struggle or a groan. Great God, how independent! From henceforth, slavery is tolerated when it exists: constitution or no constitution; people or no people; right or wrong; vox Matti; vox Diaboli: 'the voice of Matty' --" the voice of the devil;' and peradventure his great 'Sub-Treasury' scheme was a piece of the same mind: but the man and his measures have such a striking resemblance to the anecdote of the Welchman and his cart-tongue, that, when the constitution was so long that it allowed slavery at the capitol of a free people, is could not be cut off; but when it was short that it needed a Sub-Treasury, to save funds of the nation, it could be spliced! Oh, granny what a long tail our puss has got! As a Greek might say, hysteron proteron; the cart before the horse; but his mighty whisk through the great national fire, for the presidential chesnuts burnt the locks of his glory with the blaze of his folly!

    The above we extract from the celebrated state paper, entitled, "Gen. Smith's views of the powers and policy of the Government of the United States," as a specimen of the original matter it contains. -- With such astute penetrating views, such exalted and dignified sentiments, emanating from a candidate for the Presidency, Father Miller must be pronounced a humbug and the people of the nineteenth century may look for the dawn of a glorious era to burst upon their astonished vision in the fall of eighteen hundred and forty-four, an era in which a Prophet only can tell whether granny's cat has a long tail or not; or whether the Greek's cart will be before the horse or otherwise; the constitution we presume will be as long as the Welchman's cart tongue, "peradventure" a little longer.

    A Witty Reply. -- When Mark Antony gave orders for doubling the taxes in Asia, an intimate friend of his told him, he should "first order the land to yield a double harvest."

    A Queer Change. -- The old spirit stirring appeal to fight for your hearths, has become obsolete. It is now, "fight for your stoves and heaters!"

    Not so Bad. -- I wish you had been Eve," said an urchin, to an old maid who was proverbial for her meanness.
    "Why so?"
    "Because, said he, "you would have eaten all the apple instead of dividing with Adam!"

    Domestic Order. -- We observe in the works of Madam Necker, what must be considered a good hint to housewives: "Domestic order, like theatrical machinery, produces the greatest pleasures when the strings are concealed."

    Precious but Fragile. -- The two most precious things on this side of the grave are reputation and life. -- But it is to be lamented that the most contemptible whisper may deprive us of the one, and the weakest weapon may deprive us of the other.

    Father, what does the printer live on? Why child? You said you had not paid him for two or three years, and yet you have his paper every week?
    Wife, put this child under the floor, he is too personal in his remarks.



    The undersigned propose publishing a Journal of the above title, which will appear on Friday of each week, on an Imperial sheet, with a new Press, and materials of the best quality, and rendered worthy of the patronage of a discerning and an enlightened public.
    The Expositor will be devoted to a general diffusion of useful knowledge, and its columns open for the admission of all courteous communications of a Religious, Moral, Social, Literary, or Political character, without taking a decided stand in favor of either of the great Political parties of the country. A part of its columns will be devoted to a few primary objects, which the Publishers deem of vital importance to the public welfare. Their particular locality gives them a knowledge of the many gross abuses exercised under the pretended authorities of the Nauvoo City Charter, by the legislative authorities of said city; and the insupportable of the Ministerial

powers in carrying out the unjust, illegal, and unconstitutional ordinances of the same. The publishers, therefore, deem it a sacred duty they owe to their country and their fellow citizens, to advocate, through the columns of the Expositor, the UNCONDITIONAL REPEAL OF THE NAUVOO CITY CHARTER, to restrain and correct the abuses of the Unit Power; to ward off the Iron Rod which is held over the devoted heads of the citizens of Nauvoo and the surrounding country; to advocate unmitigated and to censure and decry gross moral imperfections wherever found, either in the Plebeian, Patrician, or self-constituted MONARCH; to advocate the pure principles of morality, the pure principles of truth; designed not to destroy, but strengthen the main-spring of God's moral government; to advocate, and exercise, the freedom of speech in Nauvoo, independent of the ordinances abridging the same; to give free toleration to every man's religious sentiments, and sustain all in worshipping God according to the monitors of their consciences, as guarantied by the Constitution of our country; and to oppose, with uncompromising hostility, any Union of Church and State, or any preliminary step tending to the same; to sustain all, however humble, in their equal and constitutional rights, and oppose the sacrifice of Liberty, the Property, and the Happiness of the many, to the pride and ambition of the few. In a word, to give a full, candid, and succinct statement of facts, as they exist in the city of Nauvoo, fearless of whose particular case they may apply, being governed by the laws of Editorial courtesy, and the inherent dignity which is inseparable from honorable minds; at the same time exercising their own judgment in cases of flagrant abuses, or moral delinquencies; to use such terms and names as they deem proper, when the object is of such high importance that the end will justify the means. We confidently look to an enlightened public for aid in this great and indispensable effort.
    The columns of the Expositor will be open to the discussion of all matters of public interest, the productions of all correspondents being subject to the decision of the Editor alone, who shall receive or reject at his option. National questions will be in place, but no preference given to either of the political parties. The Editorial department will contain the political news of the day, proceedings of Congress, election returns, &c., &c. Room will be given for articles on Agriculture, the Mechanic Arts, Commercial transactions, &c.
    The publishers bind themselves to issue the paper weekly for one year, and forward fifty-two copies to each subscriber during the year. Orders should be forwarded as soon as possible, that the publishers may know what number of copies to issue.
    The publishers take pleasure in announcing to the public, that they have engaged the services of Slyvester Emmons, Esq., who will have entire charge and supervision of the editorial department. From an acquaintance with the dignity of character, and literary qualifications of this gentleman, they feel assured that the Nauvoo Expositor must and will sustain a high and honorable reputation.

    Two Dollars per annum in advance,
    Two Dollars and Fifty cents at the expiration of six months,
    Three Dollars at the end of the year.
    Six copies will be forwarded to one address for Ten Dollars in advance; Thirteen copies for Twenty Dollars, &c.
    Advertising and Job Work in all their variation, done on short notice, and upon the most satisfactory terms.     All letters and communications must be addressed to "Charles A. Foster, Nauvoo, Illinois," post paid, in order to insure attention.
    William Law,
    Wilson Law,
    Charles Ivins,
    Francis M. Higbee,
    Chauncey L. Higbee,
    Robert D. Foster,
    Charles A. Foster.

WAREROOMS -- Nos. 29 and 31 Gold street, New York, April, 1844. -- Price Greatly Reduced -- The "HOE," PRINTING PRESS, MACHINE AND SAW MANUFACTORY, in consequence of the addition of new and improved machinery to their works and the reduction of the cost of materials and labor, are enabled greatly to reduce the prices of their presses and Printers and binders materials generally, as will be seen by their newly printed circular, to which they beg leave to refer.
    This establishment is still under the personal superintendence of RICHARD M. HOE and ROBERT HOE, and they assure their friends that notwithstanding the great reduction in prices all articles manufactured by this establishment shall retain the high reputation which they have hitherto sustained -- It will also be their constant endeavor to improve the quality of them in every particular. They flatter themselves also, that their old friends will not only continue their favors, but that printers generally will appreciate their endeavors to furnish the very best articles at barely remunerating prices.
    Orders from any part of the country for all articles by Printers and Binders, including Type, Ink, Paper, etc., will be executed with the greatest care and promptitude, and on the best terms.
    Jobbing work and repairing will be done at the lowest possible prices, with every attention and expedition.
    N. B. -- All articles manufactured by this establishment will be stampt R. HOE & CO., so that persons from abroad may not be imposed upon with spurious articles made in imitation of theirs.
    Printers of Newspapers who publish this advertisement with this note three times before the first of July next, and send one of their papers to us, will be entitled to payment on their bill on buying four times the amount of it.

Every number embellished with an original and exquisite design on steel.


    Illustrated by J. C. Chapman, who is engaged exclusively for the work. Terms -- Three Dollars per annum. Single numbers 6 1-4 cents.
    In the course of a few weeks the undersigned will commence, on his own account, the publication of a new series of the NEW YORK MIRROR, in the octavo form, on an entirely novel and original plan, with a steel engraving in every number and at the reduced price of three dollars per anum, or six and a quarter cents per copy.
    THE NEW MIRROR will appear with many striking and attractive features distinguishing it from every other periodical. It will be published with new type, on fine paper, and each number will contain a beautiful original engraving on steel, designed and etched by CHAPMAN, illustrating the letterpress which it accompanies, and which it will invest with peculiar interest. Besides the contributions of all our extensive corps of correspondents -- which embraces most of the talent of this country -- we have made arrangements for fresh and early translations from some of the best writers in France and England. With such materials, and with such able fellow laborers in the literary vineyard, we hope to present to the American reader a weekly journal of great value and unusual excellence. The parade of mere names will be sedulously avoided. The Mirror will be remarkable, we hope, rather for good articles without names, than for poor articles with distinguished names. It will embrace in its scope every department of elegant literature, comprising tales of romance, sketches of society and manners, sentiment, and every day life, piquant essays, domestic and foreign correspondence, literary intelligence, wit and humor, fashion and gossip, poetry, the fine arts, and literary, musical and dramatic criticisms. Its reviews of new works will be careful, discriminating and impartial. It will aim to foster a literature suited to the taste and desires of the age and country. Its tendency will be cheerful and enlivening as well as improving. It will seek to gratify every refined taste, but never to offend the most fastidious; and it will ever feel its duty to be, to "turn the sunny side of things to human eyes."
   The work will be published every Saturday, in numbers of sixteen large octavo super royal pages, with double columns, and enclosed in a neat ornamental cover. It will form at the end of the year two superb volumes, each of four hundred and sixteen pages, filled with the gems of literature and the fine arts.
    The very low price at which it will be issued readers is the cheapest periodical in this or any other country.

Weekly Dollar Message.

    It is now nearly one year since the undersigned commenced the publication of the Weekly Dollar Message, a paper made up from the contents of the Daily Morning Message, which has been in existence nearly two years enjoying the best reputation of any paper in the Queen City for the early dissemination of intelligence and variety of interesting matter -- comprising Literature, Poetry, Miscellany, the Current News of the day, Foreign and Domestic; carefully avoiding, however the least partizan bias in politics. It is equal in size and execution to any weekly in this city, containing [a] much larger amount of reading matter, and at the same time afforded at one half the price of the cheapest of them. It combines more completely than [any] of its Eastern rivals the distinguishing characteristics of a literary journal with those of a regular and systematic chronicle of passing events.
    Nut the unparalleled patronage from every section of the country, is the best evidence of its approval. The Weekly already has a circulation of over two thousand copies, and is increasing at the rate of from 50 to 100 per week.
    For the best original Tale, not exceeding in length 30 pages of common foolscap manuscript,
    And for the best original Poem, not exceeding 100 lines nor less than 50.
center> THIRTY DOLLARS,     The Prize Tale and Poem to be published in the first No. of the 2nd vol., which will be issued on the 15th day of July next, at which time the prizes will be placed in the hands of the committee, subject to the orders of those to whom they may be awarded.
    The following literary gentlemen have been appointed a committee, to whom the productions of all competitors for the above prizes will be submitted for decision, and from whose high standing in society, the most strict impartiality may be relied on:
    Elam P. Langdon, Jas. H. Perkins, C, Nichols, Geo. S. Bennett, Joseph McClure.

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